Room Pricing

Room Policies

Meeting Rooms Hourly Rates

 Venue Registered Student Organizations WSU Departments Guests 
L37 - $17 $30
L38  - $17 $30
L43 - $17 $30
206 - $22 $45
208 - $22 $45
310 - $22 $45
406 - $22 $45
Senate Room (204) - $30 $75

Small Public Performance Spaces

 Venue Registered Student Organizations WSU Departments Guests
Reunion Stage (50S) ** $50 N/A
The Lair (101) ** $50 N/A

Event Spaces Hourly Rates

Three-hour minimum reservation.

Venue Registered Student Organizations WSU Departments Guests 
Auditorium (177) $65* $100 $275
Full Junior Ballroom (210-212) $65* $100 $275
210 $30* $45 $140
212 $45* $65 $210
M.G. Carey Senior Ballroom (220) $90* $145 $415
Butch’s Den (L60) ** $45 $140




WSU Departments Guests
Building Hours Exception (per hour)    $50 $50 $100
AV Tech Labor (per hours) $20 $25 $30


Rates include basic audio & visual equipment, tables & chairs, and setup & takedown labor; does not include tech labor during the event.

*Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) receive one Venue Fee Waiver per year. Otherwise, venues default to the RSO rate.  This waiver includes reasonable event labor.

**RSOs can schedule an unlimited number of events in Butch’s Den (L60), The Lair (101), and Reunion Stage (50 S) free of charge, but can only schedule them one at a time.  RSOs that have more than one reservation at any given time will be charged the departmental rate for the extra reservations.

No three-hour minimum reservation with a standard set-up.

RSOs can schedule an unlimited number of two-hour meeting rooms at no charge.  There is no two-hour limit when used in conjunction with larger event space reservations.

RSOs receive free break-out meeting rooms along with the purchase (or approved fee waiver) of event space.