Compton Union Building (CUB)
scheduling@wsu.edu | Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | X (Twitter)
- Information Desk: (509) 335-8426 | 1st Floor
- CUB Administration: (509) 335-9444 | CUB 140
- Scheduling: (509) 335-9444 | CUB 140
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Meet Our Team
Administrative Staff
- Karee Shaw, Director, Event Services and Operations, CUB 140, 509-335-8711, karee.shaw@wsu.edu
- Spencer Desmarais, Associate Director, Event Services and Operations, CUB 140, 509-335-8318, spencermarkd@wsu.edu
- Traci Tyacke, Assistant Director, Event Sales and Scheduling, CUB 140, 509-335-3578, tyacket@wsu.edu
- Hanna Gecas, Event Coordinator, CUB 140, 509-335-8142, hanna.gecas@wsu.edu
- Tom Lawler, Fiscal Specialist 2, CUB 140 – thomas.lawler@wsu.edu
- Joe Cross, Finance/Budget Manager, CUB 140, 509-335-3357, joe.cross@wsu.edu
- Haley McKinley, Media Maintenance Supervisor, CUB 140, 509-335-0552, haley.mckinley@wsu.edu
- Heather McPherson, Coordinator, Facilities and Operations, ESFCC, 509-335-5080, heather.mcpherson@wsu.edu
- Sydney Pederson, Manager of Operations, CUB 140, 509-335-8736, sydney.pederson@wsu.edu
- Kevin Night Pipe, Media Technician Senior, CUB 140, 509-335-6678, kevinnp@wsu.edu
Service & Operations Staff
- Tim Thompson, Maintenance Mechanic, CUB L50, 509-335-8409, tim.thompson@wsu.edu
- Chris Eads, Maintenance Mechanic 2, CUB L50, chris.eads@wsu.edu
- Tim Gregory
- Felicia Tanner-Downey, Custodian 2
- Andy Hughes, Custodian 5
- Ariana Harper, Custodian 2